Design is fancy and pretty, but solid development is the foundation of the structure that supports the creative accessories.

It’s time to get excited about designing your new website.  And why not? Building your new website CAN and SHOULD be an exciting process!
A custom-designed website built by a professional, experienced company can attract customers, inform, inspire, and motivate.
Design is fancy and pretty, but solid development is the foundation of the structure that supports the creative accessories.

So…how is a successful website built?

It’s built with a killer process designed around YOU.

Our process is a series of steps that build upon one another. We use a structured approach to make sure every project successfully launches. Projects are typically on a 4-8 week launch plan, depending on complexity.

Discovery Session

We want to hear all about your project and the vision you have for your design. So the first step is to thoroughly understand your company, it’s goals, your customers, their expectations and behavior, and how your website factors into all of it. We’ll also look at the competitive landscape to establish context and standards for how your site should function and then improve on that. This stage will give us the foundation for moving forward with just the right recommendations for the design and development of your new responsive website.

  Research and Planning

We factor in your target market and any branding you already have in place, if any. If you need us to develop your branding and identity, we can do that too! We can create an eye catching logo and build your brand around that central theme. We will begin to structure your message through content cultivated to convey the essence of your business, whether it’s fun and casual, such as a local bakery, or somber and tasteful, such as a funeral home, or intelligent and professional such as an investment firm. We can customize your site down to the last detail specific to your best interests.

After developing this blueprint, we will provide you with a timeline to assure you at all times there is accountability during the progression of your project. This is a great opportunity to ask any questions that may not have been covered during the initial stages of development. Once we are in agreement on the direction of the project and the timeline, we can begin the design process


Logo Dynamo LOVES the design process. This is where we can apply our years of experience and expertise while letting our creative energies out.  All you have to do is sit back and relax while we do our thing!

Once we’ve gathered all the necessary information, we’ll work behind-the-scenes to research potential theme layouts for inspiration and different views, including the home page, sub-page, blog template, and any additional templates needed. Themes look like examples of your website without the visual polish and customization of the finished design, allowing us to experiment and iterate on solutions quickly so that we have a good sense of how content should be laid out across different screen sizes

Development & Integration

This part is exciting for us as well and you will feel safe knowing that we are making sure your site runs effectively.  Once we’ve created or selected the appropriate theme, we’ll start the customization process using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. After testing the layouts, we either integrate the new designs with your current WordPress site (if applicable) or create a new one. To do this we’ll either mirror your live site in a development environment or create a fresh staging area from scratch. Then QA will test the site across different browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer 9+) and devices (iPhone 5S, GalaxyS). Any bugs that arise from this testing will be fixed prior to launch.

User Testing & Review

Testing the site with real users will greatly improve the quality of the finished design and help catch usability issues before time is spent building it out. User testing involves us recruiting users and asking them to perform tasks. We note the results of the test and then make a list of usability issues or comments that we can implement. It’s like the digital version of the old adage “Measure twice, cut once.”


Once you have approved the final design we will launch your website. Congratulations – You are now LIVE

Additional Recommendations

Managed Hosting

We recommend hosting your WordPress site on our managed, high-speed web servers where everything is taken care of for you. Hosting includes regular WordPress & plugin upgrades, backups, and security. As part of this service we will also include Google Search Console & Analytics Set Up and XML Site Map Submission to Google for indexing.

Support Retainer

We recommend retaining our services after the site is launched to assist with any further development or design requests. As part of this retainer, we will guarantee a specified amount of our monthly working hours to your needs alone. Here are a few examples of the types of services we offer within a retainer:

  • Routine website maintenance and content updating
  • Graphic design services
  • Additional Search engine optimization
  • Analytic tracking, reporting, and analysis
  • Digital marketing campaign management
  • Social media coordination and content writing
  • On call for emergency situations
  • Additional consulting services

In the epilogue of the story of your company’s amazing website, we can provide ongoing support and maintenance to keep your website fresh, current and relevant as your company grows and reaches out to the future.

You have a story in your mind. Contact Logo Dynamo today to start the process of bringing it to life.

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