Logo Dynamo helps to launch updated and intentional branding and website for TMG Global. This includes new custom logo design, WordPress theme customization, and high-speed, fully managed web hosting. 

A Website to Showcase TMG Global 

TMG Global, a trailblazer in consulting and technology integration services, desired a revamped website. Logo Dynamo took the task in stride, designing with clients and partners in mind. The new website allows for a digital experience with seamless navigation, engaging content, and a glimpse into their innovative solutions.


The New Website Features: 

  • User-Friendly Navigation: Navigating the website is now easier than ever with a user-friendly layout. Clients can quickly access the information they need with headers such as home, about, services, team, press, and contacts.  
  • Detailed Information: The website features up-to-date information on its full range of services such as IT consulting, site surveys, and more. Information also includes exciting press as the company grows. 
  • Enhanced Mobile Experience: The website is fully responsive, ensuring a seamless browsing experience on all devices. 


TMG Global Branding Transformation 

TMG Global now has a vibrant new brand identity. Logo Dynamo’s custom tailed logo, color palette, and visual elements created specifically for TMG Global have been reimagined to reflect their forward-thinking approach and commitment to innovation.

Steve Mohr, Managing Principle of TMG Global, says: “[Logo Dynamo] has a very detailed process that makes you think about your logo from a different perspective.” 

Logo Dynamo is proud to be a part of the strides TMG Global is making in their industry! We invite you to explore their new website. Whether you are a current client, a future partner, or simply curious about the future of consulting and technology integration, TMG Global’s digital space is your go-to resource.

Ready to Elevate Your Website’s Design?  Get in Touch for Expert Insights and Ideas! 

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