Logo Dynamo is pleased to announce the addition of Grace Lyons to our team as the new Public Relations and Social Media Specialist.

Logo Dynamo is pleased to announce the addition of Grace Lyons to our team as the new Public Relations and Social Media Specialist. This appointment reflects our commitment to fostering talent and innovation in the ever-evolving field of public relations and social media.

As a current student studying Public Relations & Strategic Communication at Purdue University, Grace brings a fresh perspective in this role. She is eager to contribute to Logo Dynamo’s work and is excited about the prospect of personal and professional growth. Grace will play a key role in enhancing client’s presence across various social media platforms and contributing to the development and implementation of strategic public relations campaigns.

Logo Dynamo recognizes the crucial role that effective communication plays in today’s business environment. With Grace on board, the company looks forward to leveraging her skills to connect with our audience in meaningful ways, strengthen our brand image, and stay at the forefront of industry trends.

Key responsibilities of a Public Relations and Social Media Specialist will include:

  • Developing and implementing social media strategies to increase brand awareness and engagement.
  • Assisting in the creation of compelling content for various platforms.
  • Writing and editing press releases for various platforms.
  • Supporting the planning and execution of PR initiatives. 

Logo Dynamo is confident that Grace will be a valuable asset to the team, and we look forward to seeing her contributions make a positive impact on our company’s success!

“Our team is thrilled to welcome Grace aboard. We are truly delighted to scoop up such a talented individual and look forward to witnessing the positive impact she will bring to our company"
Catherine Fortel,
President and Founder

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